Friday 4 June 2010

Temple King Part 1

The release of my book has been set for a tentative release date worldwide, the date will be December 15th 2010.

It's earlier than i thought it would be, i only finished the story about 3 or 4 days ago and my new publishers are eagre to send it into the world.

The huge news is that of the full story, originally it was supposed to span over 7 books, then 5, now it's going to be a trilogy, but that's not saying it's going to be easy for our hero "Orion" to make his way through the treacherous traps i have set up for him, through-out the story.

Huge monsters, Planet-Shaking battles, Terrifying Creatures, horrific gory moments, Intense action sequences and a deadly array of traps and undead soldiers.

Think Harry Potter + Lord Of The Rings + Narnia + Resident Evil (Kinda) + Uncharted and Prince Of Persia = Temple King Part 1.

In the book, you will read of several characters who have a part to play, the 6 prologues will feature those 6, along with the full book which of course, will feature Orion.

Okay, not to do with the book but i've got a ton of responses to my posts to me personally, via e-mail, the problem is that people are having trouble following the book, this blog seems to have an error of some sort which won't allow people to become followers and recieve updates as soon as they're here, hense leaving me to send out a ton of e-mails to fans.

Not to worry, i will be setting up the Official website for the book in a few short months, that way you can register and have no problems at all, so problem solved.