Saturday 21 November 2009

Ice Kingdom Prologue

Ice Kingdom
By Lee Cordner

A Prologue To Temple King

Main: Sub:
Leo Bunna (eaglehorse)
Khaan Wesirt The Wise

Chapter 1/1

The story begins in the land of Atlantis, on the lower levels of the great city, where the power source is told to lie...

*Door Closes* Wesirt the wise wizard appears from the fog, cloaked in white and wielding a white staff, 'Hey, you can't do that' says a voice from around the corner, a man appears, 'Not the best of welcomes Leo', 'The time has come my dear friend, the time to travel to Atlantis', 'You destiny, it's time', 'Yes, gather your things, we shall travel by air'..Leo runs into his bedroom and grabs some of his belongings, some shirts and bottoms along with a very large hat 'You shall not need that Leo', 'It is not for me, you lost yours in the battle of Halna, here, take it', Leo hands the white hat to Wesirt, and he smiles.

Leo walks out of the door of his home, as he does a creature walks forward at him and pushes him to the ground, 'Now now Bunna, leave him be' says Wesirt, *Bunna is a magical wizard transport, a great eagle horse of both air and land*, 'Does he have to do that everytime he see's me', 'He misses you, he knows you too well', 'I'm starting to think that's not a good thing'.....

Bunna takes off into the air, a shadow drops onto the ground below, flying through the air as the inhabitants of Pinemeadow watch on, 'So, it's finally happening', 'Yes, the battle is fast approaching and this is where you need to be, but....', 'But what Wesirt', 'There is a tiny problem with Atlantis'...Bunna flies over the Ice ridge of Timber City, across the coastline of Beastvale and over the clouded mist of the Island of Time, the Horizon begins to set, a white light hits the eyes of Leo, who for a moment is blinded, he regains his vision to stare down at the wonderful and magnificent glowing ice of Atlantis, which shines like diamonds, in the centre is the high temple of the high king Krataar, who was lost in Everstone searching for the sword of serenity 10,000 years ago....

Bunna lands on an open field of White Grass, the cold surface of the Atlantis floor hits Wesirt and Leo's feet, the smell of Fresh Air wofts through-out the land, 'This is your home my friend, this is your kingdom', 'That small problem Wesirt, what is it ?', 'When your Great Ancestor was lost in Everstone, on his quest to retrieve the sword of serenity that only a king can find, another took over, an Immortal, named Khaan, although these streets should be full, they are empty, Khaan has locked all of the people inside a giant dungeon, your mission is to free the people from him', 'By free the people you mean kill Khaan, but he is immortal', 'Yes, but he can be defeated by the one who wields this', *Wesirt hands Leo a golden sword*, 'You know what you must do' Wesirt says, Leo standing with an awkward look on his face lets off a grin as he walks up the steps towards the high temple....

'Something has changed'...says a voice in the mist, 'This is my kingdom, not his' it continues as a dark figure stands up and walks through the mist, A disfigured face with scars down it appears, it frowns and wings fly from it's back, towards the upper side of the high temple and out of the top, *Leo looks up as a deafening screech hits his ears* 'Khaan' he says in fear, the Immortal god sworms down towards Leo, who thrusts his sword into the air, missing by an inch as the blade washes past Khaan's cloak, 'You shall not pass me young Leo, descendant of Krataar', 'it's my right Khaan', Khaan steps onto the stairs above Leo, 'Do you really believe you can defeat me, peasant', 'I can try' Leo says as he runs up the steps sword in his grasp and focus in his eyes, Khaan tries to shift his wings, but nothing happens 'Elder sword' he mutters under his breath as Leo plunges the sword through Khaan's chest, forcing him to the ground and forcing him to use his power to shift into a safe place, *Leo stands up*, 'This is going to be difficult', he walks towards an opening, towards the ultimate power, the weapon of atlantis that is also under the control of Khaan, which is where Khaan will go now he is wounded, to heal himself......

Khaan falls through time with blood gushing from his ancient body, climbing up and grabbing onto a trinket, 'Now lets see who is the rightful heir', he says taking a gulp of the potion, his body begins to crack, Leo runs through the rusted gate, watching on in horror as he see's Khaan transform into a monster, 'Now Leo, descendant of Krataar, who is small now', 'You've got to be kidding me' Leo says as the transformation stops and Khaan's giant hand swoops down upon him, grabbing him and knocking the sword to the ground and out of his reach, 'NOOOO' says a woman's voice in the distance, Khaan looks down 'Caran, you decieved me' he says to her in anger, she sideflips out of the way and unleashes a deadly ray of green light from her body, it blinds Khaan enough to allow Leo to wiggle out of his hand and fall to the ground, 'He can only be killed if you stab him through the head' says Caran, Leo looks around for a way up, 'Can you boost me to that ledge' asks Leo, *Caran uses her mind to levitate Leo onto the ledge*, 'Now what' she shouts, 'Just Watch' he replies as he jumps onto the candle lit sphere, barely missing a flame, Khaan's vision returns and he looks for Leo, 'Where is he' shouts Khaan as he grabs Caran.

*Scream*, 'Caran' shouts Leo, Khaan see's him, he lunges for him, Leo jumps and lands on Khaan's chest, he takes his sword, Caran uses her magic to make the sword bigger and Leo thrusts it through Khaan's heart.....

A light shines through knocking them both to the ground, Khaan implodes and dust begins to flow out, Caran wakes up, Leo stands on his feet and places the sword on the ground, he walks over to her, 'Thanks for the help', 'You could have handled it' she replies to him......

They walk out of the dungeon and into the open, where Wesirt flies away on Bunna, they look up towards the high temple as the people begin to flood out and applaud them, Leo takes Caran's hand and they walk up the steps towards his throne........

And so it became that Leo was named king of Atlantis, but the story is just begining.

Over the next few months you will read some more of the prologues in the run up to the highly anticipated Temple King: Quest For the sword.

Up Next.
CITY OF LIGHT december 2009.

NOTE: This short prequel was written in 2004 and maybe a little bad.

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