Wednesday 10 February 2010

Temple King Trailer 2 details.

This is the basic outline, i got a voice actor which many of you will know, to do the voiceover of Orion for the first book trailer, in the trailer me along with a few associates have created a sort of CGI motion picture sort of show, in which shall run all of 2 minutes, showing you everything which will happen in the book.

I have also sent off the first copies to a local library, which are on sale for £4.99, there is a limited amount, around 200 copies available right now from the Aldershot Library in hampshire, if you feel the need to buy yourself a copy, then go there and you shall get it at a cheaper price then release day.

The next thing i want to talk about is what shall be involved with the first book.

Collector's Edition - £19.99
Hardback Book, embossed with gold lettering, 248 pages long.
Music for chapters (Play whilst reading)
Comic Book detailing the whole story, from start to finish
Hand Drawn artwork from yours truly
+ the six prologues, which shall come in smaller books, not the ones on here, but new versions.

Hardback Edition - £6.99
Hardback Book, Original artwork sleeve, 248 pages long.
Comic Book
Hand Drawn Artwork.

Paperback Edition - £5.99
Standard original artwork paperback book, 248 pages long
Hand Drawn Artwork

Childrens Edition - £4.99
Paperback book, with altered cover much like Harry Potter's childrens versions.

The third thing i would like to talk about is a dark chapter.

This chapter contains very violent action and some horror, but do not threat, in many books there have been scary parts, this is scary, but not as scary as you would think.
Chapter Seven: The Hourglass

Also, after trying to find a publisher, after the demise of my former publishers wanting to sell the book for £7.99, in which i decided against, because some people may not like it.

But, i want to say if you are a fan of the following, then you'll love this, it has all the elements.
Prince Of Persia, Harry Potter, LOTR, Chronicles Of Narnia, The Mummy Trilogy.

Thanks for your time and i hope to update shortly on the worldwide release of the next fantasy adventure series.

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