Friday 4 June 2010

Temple King Part 1

The release of my book has been set for a tentative release date worldwide, the date will be December 15th 2010.

It's earlier than i thought it would be, i only finished the story about 3 or 4 days ago and my new publishers are eagre to send it into the world.

The huge news is that of the full story, originally it was supposed to span over 7 books, then 5, now it's going to be a trilogy, but that's not saying it's going to be easy for our hero "Orion" to make his way through the treacherous traps i have set up for him, through-out the story.

Huge monsters, Planet-Shaking battles, Terrifying Creatures, horrific gory moments, Intense action sequences and a deadly array of traps and undead soldiers.

Think Harry Potter + Lord Of The Rings + Narnia + Resident Evil (Kinda) + Uncharted and Prince Of Persia = Temple King Part 1.

In the book, you will read of several characters who have a part to play, the 6 prologues will feature those 6, along with the full book which of course, will feature Orion.

Okay, not to do with the book but i've got a ton of responses to my posts to me personally, via e-mail, the problem is that people are having trouble following the book, this blog seems to have an error of some sort which won't allow people to become followers and recieve updates as soon as they're here, hense leaving me to send out a ton of e-mails to fans.

Not to worry, i will be setting up the Official website for the book in a few short months, that way you can register and have no problems at all, so problem solved.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Temple King Trailer 2 details.

This is the basic outline, i got a voice actor which many of you will know, to do the voiceover of Orion for the first book trailer, in the trailer me along with a few associates have created a sort of CGI motion picture sort of show, in which shall run all of 2 minutes, showing you everything which will happen in the book.

I have also sent off the first copies to a local library, which are on sale for £4.99, there is a limited amount, around 200 copies available right now from the Aldershot Library in hampshire, if you feel the need to buy yourself a copy, then go there and you shall get it at a cheaper price then release day.

The next thing i want to talk about is what shall be involved with the first book.

Collector's Edition - £19.99
Hardback Book, embossed with gold lettering, 248 pages long.
Music for chapters (Play whilst reading)
Comic Book detailing the whole story, from start to finish
Hand Drawn artwork from yours truly
+ the six prologues, which shall come in smaller books, not the ones on here, but new versions.

Hardback Edition - £6.99
Hardback Book, Original artwork sleeve, 248 pages long.
Comic Book
Hand Drawn Artwork.

Paperback Edition - £5.99
Standard original artwork paperback book, 248 pages long
Hand Drawn Artwork

Childrens Edition - £4.99
Paperback book, with altered cover much like Harry Potter's childrens versions.

The third thing i would like to talk about is a dark chapter.

This chapter contains very violent action and some horror, but do not threat, in many books there have been scary parts, this is scary, but not as scary as you would think.
Chapter Seven: The Hourglass

Also, after trying to find a publisher, after the demise of my former publishers wanting to sell the book for £7.99, in which i decided against, because some people may not like it.

But, i want to say if you are a fan of the following, then you'll love this, it has all the elements.
Prince Of Persia, Harry Potter, LOTR, Chronicles Of Narnia, The Mummy Trilogy.

Thanks for your time and i hope to update shortly on the worldwide release of the next fantasy adventure series.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Temple King Re-Born for release 2010 christmas

I have just finished self-publishing temple king for release over the holidays of this year.

So with that i had to re-do the idea of it, instead of 7 books there will now be 5.

But don't worry, they will keep to the storyline, as a fact the TOTD & FSOL will be merged into 1 book and the same goes for COTK & TOA.

Here are the new names for Temple King.

Temple King: Quest For The Sword
Temple King II: The Dreaded Fires
Temple King III: The Forgotten Empire
Temple King IV: Revelation Of The Past
Temple King V: Dagger To The Throne

You know the length of This story, when i say this i don't mean just one story for the entire legend of my world, but i mean that there could be a few more stories that are told, for instance the prologue could be lengthened, a few prototype names i have below.

Temple King: The Beginning
Temple King: Rise Of The Centaurs
Temple King: The Next Age

They are three of a possible thousand books i could release, but keep in mind i am still writing this series.

Currently QFTS is written, but i did finish TOTD before i thought to merge both 2 and 3 together, so the second book is still being written, there is over 20 chapters so far, i am aiming for a total of 35.

I hope you all stick with me and this story will begin in the holidays.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Temple King: Delayed

Okay, so i have run into a problem with my publishers, apparently they wanted to sell the book for £10, so i said no and they told me unless it was £10, it wouldn't get published by them as they want there revenue off the book.

So here is what i did, I took the contract i had, tore it up, threw it in there face, took my book and decided to self-publish until a new publisher is interested.

Now the original release date was June 27th 2010, but i guess now it won't release until 2011.

Another reason was this, they decided that one of the chapters was too scary and too violent for the younger reader, in question here is the chapter they decided to take out.

"Chapter Six: The Hourglass"

Sure, it involves a dark cave, with a portal, a ghoul and alot of bloodshed, sure it's very scary, but that's kinda what the second book is all about anyway.

So, as promised in the last update before i released a few characters and items, i promised to reveal the chapter names, so here they are.

2.Fall Of Zior
3.A Shadowed Light
4.An Allied Foe
5.Journey Into The Forgotten
6.The Hourglass
7.The Battle Rages On
8.City Of Legends
9.March Of War
10.The Path To Everstone
11.The Challenge Of Ahriman
12.First Clash
13.Knightfall (final)

Now i know what you're thinking, 14 chapters, not alot, why buy it ?, am i right, well, it's over 800 pages long, the sixth chapter is 80 pages long, the rest mix up into around the 60 mark.

It's longer than the second, but as explained in a previous post, the second will be split into two parts as will the third and final fourth.

Thursday 31 December 2009

Artifact 5 of 5: The Dagger Of Apollo.

The final and most elusive item is the dagger of apollo, legendary is it's origin and it once belonged to a god who conquored entire worlds.

But, in doing so the dagger itself became unseeable, no-one knows where it is, no-one knows if the legend of it appearing inside the Farckonian temple to the true heir is true or not.

This item is an item Ahriman never wielded, but perhaps it is the most powerful of all, Ahriman is obsessed with finding it.

The legend is important, legend tells that the lone warrior who doesn't want it but requires it shall be able to retrieve it.

This item apparently holds the power to split a soul so far, that it would cause the man or god or immortal that was stabbed with it, to burst into flames and take everyone who followed them, with them into death's grip, but if a man of pure heart is stabbed with it, then he would destroy the whole race he was a part of, if he was man, then the race of men and women would perish, if god, then the gods would perish, but if the man was evil, then the evil one stabbed would take there army with them.

The Dagger is the most powerful blade to ever be forged, it has the ability to destroy worlds for anyone who wields it.

This is the final item Orion must possess, but once he does, something else will come to be.
Artifact 4 of 5: The Trident Of Posiedon.

Also one of the items Orion must possess, the trident holds an ancient power, that can control weather, it is first read about in the first book, but something has changed, something yet to be seen.

The great god of atlantis once wielded this trident, it was passed down until it reached a man called Posiedon, but he was killed by Ahriman, who took the trident and used it to sink the city of Krellapa into the north bound ocean, Ahriman though, lost control of the trident, it became too powerful for him, and so it left him, now the trident is legend, rumored to be in Atlantis, but not seen in centuries, the trident is perhaps the most important relic of a forgotten kingdom, a kingdom that in today's world is just myth, but this trident is still out there.

Orion must find this weapon in the third story's second part, tk3: trident of atlantis, but if he finds it is yet to be detirmind, if he can survive that long, which with the hunt Ahriman has placed on him and the bounty that awaits the one who kills the heir, i guess time shall tell if he makes it or not.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Artifact 3 of 5: The Fire Skull

Guarded in the city of Habbassa, the fire skull connects with the sword of light, giving the wielder more power, power able to kill an immortal or return a soul to a corrupted.

This skull however is deadly to anyone who attempts to escape with it, it is connected to a man born in fire, a man called Fireheart, one of Ahriman's corrupted few, Fireheart gave his soul to Ahriman in return for the return of his wife and daughter, but he was betrayed.

The skull is first mentioned in the quest for the sword, by Tebek to Orion, it is one of the most important pieces.

Ahriman found this skull in a locked casket with the body of a man called "Ryna", other then what is described, little is known about the fire skull, the power is secret and many believe that it forms different powers when others possess it.

With Ahriman it was a dark relic, used to burn cities to the ground, but in the hands of a man with intentions of good, it could become something different.