Wednesday 30 December 2009

Artifact 3 of 5: The Fire Skull

Guarded in the city of Habbassa, the fire skull connects with the sword of light, giving the wielder more power, power able to kill an immortal or return a soul to a corrupted.

This skull however is deadly to anyone who attempts to escape with it, it is connected to a man born in fire, a man called Fireheart, one of Ahriman's corrupted few, Fireheart gave his soul to Ahriman in return for the return of his wife and daughter, but he was betrayed.

The skull is first mentioned in the quest for the sword, by Tebek to Orion, it is one of the most important pieces.

Ahriman found this skull in a locked casket with the body of a man called "Ryna", other then what is described, little is known about the fire skull, the power is secret and many believe that it forms different powers when others possess it.

With Ahriman it was a dark relic, used to burn cities to the ground, but in the hands of a man with intentions of good, it could become something different.

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