Wednesday 30 December 2009

Artifact 2 of 5: The Sword Of Light

Ahriman's favourite weapon is also the most seeked weapon of all, the sword of light otherwise known as the sword of serenity is a weapon which can give power to anyone who wields it.

The sword however, just like a man, has a soul of it's own, if a man of light and good faith wields it, then it will do good, but if a man of darkness and evil wields it then it can destroy entire cities.

This is the first item Orion must find, one piece of the dark god's soul, a sword which needs no introduction to it's rightful master, this sword first belonged to king Kertha, or as he was known by his people "King Killer", Ahriman came into possession of it just before the battle of porthan, he became attached to it, therefore it became another part of his soul and also contained a piece of his powers.

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