Monday 28 December 2009

Name: Lucero Firenze Cartoff
Born: Age Two, Year 1567

Race: Centaur

Lucero is one of five sibling, he has two brothers, Farin & Eran and Two Sisters, Maira & Paruun, he is the leader of the clan and lord of the centaurs, the most wise and gifted of all, the oldest of the five and a friend of Wesirt.

He never took part in the celestial war, until the third and final arrived, Centaurs have exceedingly long life, they can live up to 1000 years, Lucero plays a huge part in the events to come.

As fortold in the prophecy, Centaurs & Humans will fight for the right to live, together as one union.

Other Details:
Centaur Lord, Brilliantly Gifted.

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