Thursday 31 December 2009

Artifact 4 of 5: The Trident Of Posiedon.

Also one of the items Orion must possess, the trident holds an ancient power, that can control weather, it is first read about in the first book, but something has changed, something yet to be seen.

The great god of atlantis once wielded this trident, it was passed down until it reached a man called Posiedon, but he was killed by Ahriman, who took the trident and used it to sink the city of Krellapa into the north bound ocean, Ahriman though, lost control of the trident, it became too powerful for him, and so it left him, now the trident is legend, rumored to be in Atlantis, but not seen in centuries, the trident is perhaps the most important relic of a forgotten kingdom, a kingdom that in today's world is just myth, but this trident is still out there.

Orion must find this weapon in the third story's second part, tk3: trident of atlantis, but if he finds it is yet to be detirmind, if he can survive that long, which with the hunt Ahriman has placed on him and the bounty that awaits the one who kills the heir, i guess time shall tell if he makes it or not.

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