Wednesday 30 December 2009

Artifact 1 of 5: The Amulet Of Grakhan

The Amulet is one of five symbols which can kill Ahriman, although not a weapon, the amulet holds the power of Ahriman inside of it, it is an elusive item, one of which has not been seen in over a decade, since the second celestial war.

Many believe this item to be the most important of all, many call it "The Power Dagger" and other's call it "The Amulet Of Light", but it shall always be known as the amulet of grakhan, the legendary warrior king who created it.

It holds the power to take a man's soul, divide it and place it in what he holds most dear.

This is the case, Ahriman is locked away inside of the amulet and sent into the underworld, his soul now lies in four pieces, the sword of light, the fire skull of light, the trident of posiedon and the dagger of apollo, four items that he once possessed, four items that Orion must find in order to save his kingdom and his people.

Forged: Age X, Year 4597, by Grakhan.

It's Legend: Once used by Grakhan himself to take his foe's soul(s), the amulet was lost in the bearing sea for 30,000 years, it was found by Ahriman when he was a child, swimming off the coast of hercules with his brother Ormazd, he became obsessed with the amulet and decided to use it's power to conquor lands, but in doing so he became a part of the amulet, forging his soul to mix with it.

During the battle of Porthan in the age 1, year 1,739, Ahriman lost the amulet, it remained hidden for 13 decades before a young persian native found it, it was passed around for centuries until the second celestial war, where it come under the control of Orion, who used this item to find the great wizard, Wesirt, and help him with Belazar Juda Ba'ir, the man who killed his parents, Wesirt told Orion that it was needed to hinder Ahriman's soul, who was released before he knew of it's power, Orion returned to trap Ahriman's soul and then it was given to Wesirt.

Since that faithful day, no one has seen it, some believe Wesirt destroyed it in order to trap Ahriman, some say he kept it, other believe it also became irrelivant to Wesirt, betraying him and falling into decay, but one thing is for sure, Ahriman must never find it, if he does then he shall not need to wait for the prince to return or die.

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