Monday 28 December 2009

Name: Tebek Arkan Tyskana
D.O.B: Zior, Age 2, Year: 2223
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 232lbs

Born to Tyran Tyskana & Helena Tyskana, Tebek was born and raised in Clarascophia, the city of light, during the second age of Zior, a decade after the last war, he grew up a nobleman, in the city of Garna, where he took the hearts of the women around the city by dueling rival conquorers.

In the year 2265 he injected himself into the third celestial war between darkness and light, fighting side by side with the prince Orion, wizard Wesirt the wise and fellow others.

The year 2265 otherwise known as 6,000bc was the year in which the final celestial war began, it was fortold in a prophecy that he would become a major part of the events to come.

Other Information:
Tebek is first seen in City Of Light, a prologue to temple king, it follows him from the age of 22 in the year 2245, 20 years before the story begins, he begins a young talented swordsmen who wins the hearts of women by dueling other men, but later becomes an elder, a grown man who's intentions are to save Zior.

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