Monday 28 December 2009

Name: Wesirt Frusthrain Garandorf Aprahsan
a.k.a Wesirt the wise
Born: Age One, Year: 1457
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 210lbs

Believed to be the last Wizard and sorcerer, Wesirt was gifted elder life by Ahura Mazda (Ormazd), after he helped defeat Ahriman in the first celestial war, he is first seen in Ice Kingdom, helping Leo regain his throne of Atlantis.

More to his history, he is amazingly wise, brilliantly educated and outstandingly gifted with extradordinary powers which allow him to move objects, use the weather and control time itself with the staff of Ormazd.

Helping Orion in the second celestial war proved to be his biggest achievment, besides living beyond many, he is now portrayed in the events to come as the last Wizard, but something is altering him, making him different, Wesirt lives by one code, Honor.

He now helps Orion II fight the darkness in the third and what is fortold in a prophecy to be the final battle between darkness and light, his part in the story is maybe the most important, even more than the heir to the throne, Orion II.

Other Details:
The only one to have survived the celestial war, the last wizard, the only wizard to ever grace three celestial wars.

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