Tuesday 29 December 2009

Name: Maralda Urisku Tibertarn
Born: Age Two, Year 2245
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 119lbs

Race: Sorceress

Born 21 years before the third and final celestial war, Maralda is 1 of 2 companion's to Orion and one to join him on his quest.

She is a sorceress, a very young one, but it is said that a sorceress can give her immortality for the one she falls in love with, who that is she is yet to decide.

She meets with Orion in quest for the sword, a few chapters into the adventure, it is the first time she is read about.

Other Details:
A Lightseeker, very persuasive & she tells everyone she is older than she actually is in order to keep them away from her heart.

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