Thursday 31 December 2009

Artifact 5 of 5: The Dagger Of Apollo.

The final and most elusive item is the dagger of apollo, legendary is it's origin and it once belonged to a god who conquored entire worlds.

But, in doing so the dagger itself became unseeable, no-one knows where it is, no-one knows if the legend of it appearing inside the Farckonian temple to the true heir is true or not.

This item is an item Ahriman never wielded, but perhaps it is the most powerful of all, Ahriman is obsessed with finding it.

The legend is important, legend tells that the lone warrior who doesn't want it but requires it shall be able to retrieve it.

This item apparently holds the power to split a soul so far, that it would cause the man or god or immortal that was stabbed with it, to burst into flames and take everyone who followed them, with them into death's grip, but if a man of pure heart is stabbed with it, then he would destroy the whole race he was a part of, if he was man, then the race of men and women would perish, if god, then the gods would perish, but if the man was evil, then the evil one stabbed would take there army with them.

The Dagger is the most powerful blade to ever be forged, it has the ability to destroy worlds for anyone who wields it.

This is the final item Orion must possess, but once he does, something else will come to be.
Artifact 4 of 5: The Trident Of Posiedon.

Also one of the items Orion must possess, the trident holds an ancient power, that can control weather, it is first read about in the first book, but something has changed, something yet to be seen.

The great god of atlantis once wielded this trident, it was passed down until it reached a man called Posiedon, but he was killed by Ahriman, who took the trident and used it to sink the city of Krellapa into the north bound ocean, Ahriman though, lost control of the trident, it became too powerful for him, and so it left him, now the trident is legend, rumored to be in Atlantis, but not seen in centuries, the trident is perhaps the most important relic of a forgotten kingdom, a kingdom that in today's world is just myth, but this trident is still out there.

Orion must find this weapon in the third story's second part, tk3: trident of atlantis, but if he finds it is yet to be detirmind, if he can survive that long, which with the hunt Ahriman has placed on him and the bounty that awaits the one who kills the heir, i guess time shall tell if he makes it or not.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Artifact 3 of 5: The Fire Skull

Guarded in the city of Habbassa, the fire skull connects with the sword of light, giving the wielder more power, power able to kill an immortal or return a soul to a corrupted.

This skull however is deadly to anyone who attempts to escape with it, it is connected to a man born in fire, a man called Fireheart, one of Ahriman's corrupted few, Fireheart gave his soul to Ahriman in return for the return of his wife and daughter, but he was betrayed.

The skull is first mentioned in the quest for the sword, by Tebek to Orion, it is one of the most important pieces.

Ahriman found this skull in a locked casket with the body of a man called "Ryna", other then what is described, little is known about the fire skull, the power is secret and many believe that it forms different powers when others possess it.

With Ahriman it was a dark relic, used to burn cities to the ground, but in the hands of a man with intentions of good, it could become something different.
Artifact 2 of 5: The Sword Of Light

Ahriman's favourite weapon is also the most seeked weapon of all, the sword of light otherwise known as the sword of serenity is a weapon which can give power to anyone who wields it.

The sword however, just like a man, has a soul of it's own, if a man of light and good faith wields it, then it will do good, but if a man of darkness and evil wields it then it can destroy entire cities.

This is the first item Orion must find, one piece of the dark god's soul, a sword which needs no introduction to it's rightful master, this sword first belonged to king Kertha, or as he was known by his people "King Killer", Ahriman came into possession of it just before the battle of porthan, he became attached to it, therefore it became another part of his soul and also contained a piece of his powers.
Artifact 1 of 5: The Amulet Of Grakhan

The Amulet is one of five symbols which can kill Ahriman, although not a weapon, the amulet holds the power of Ahriman inside of it, it is an elusive item, one of which has not been seen in over a decade, since the second celestial war.

Many believe this item to be the most important of all, many call it "The Power Dagger" and other's call it "The Amulet Of Light", but it shall always be known as the amulet of grakhan, the legendary warrior king who created it.

It holds the power to take a man's soul, divide it and place it in what he holds most dear.

This is the case, Ahriman is locked away inside of the amulet and sent into the underworld, his soul now lies in four pieces, the sword of light, the fire skull of light, the trident of posiedon and the dagger of apollo, four items that he once possessed, four items that Orion must find in order to save his kingdom and his people.

Forged: Age X, Year 4597, by Grakhan.

It's Legend: Once used by Grakhan himself to take his foe's soul(s), the amulet was lost in the bearing sea for 30,000 years, it was found by Ahriman when he was a child, swimming off the coast of hercules with his brother Ormazd, he became obsessed with the amulet and decided to use it's power to conquor lands, but in doing so he became a part of the amulet, forging his soul to mix with it.

During the battle of Porthan in the age 1, year 1,739, Ahriman lost the amulet, it remained hidden for 13 decades before a young persian native found it, it was passed around for centuries until the second celestial war, where it come under the control of Orion, who used this item to find the great wizard, Wesirt, and help him with Belazar Juda Ba'ir, the man who killed his parents, Wesirt told Orion that it was needed to hinder Ahriman's soul, who was released before he knew of it's power, Orion returned to trap Ahriman's soul and then it was given to Wesirt.

Since that faithful day, no one has seen it, some believe Wesirt destroyed it in order to trap Ahriman, some say he kept it, other believe it also became irrelivant to Wesirt, betraying him and falling into decay, but one thing is for sure, Ahriman must never find it, if he does then he shall not need to wait for the prince to return or die.

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Temple King: Quest For The Sword - Trailer #2

The second trailer of temple king exclusive to youtube and this blog.
Features, a cast of characters and an in depth feel to the story.
Name: Quarfo
Born: Age One, Year 488,937
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 235lbs

Brother to Wesirt The Wise
Nicknames: Quarfo The Great

Race: Wizard

Quarfo is the older brother of Wesirt the wise, Quarfo the great is however, not a soldier of Ormazd, but that of Ahriman, he is first seen in one of the prologue's, but believed to be dead in present tense (Third celestial war).

Nothing more is known of the great Quarfo, but legend says that he has a part to play in the events that approach.

Other Details:
Older Than Wesirt, the oldest elder, dead or alive ?, extremely powerful.

Name: Maralda Urisku Tibertarn
Born: Age Two, Year 2245
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 119lbs

Race: Sorceress

Born 21 years before the third and final celestial war, Maralda is 1 of 2 companion's to Orion and one to join him on his quest.

She is a sorceress, a very young one, but it is said that a sorceress can give her immortality for the one she falls in love with, who that is she is yet to decide.

She meets with Orion in quest for the sword, a few chapters into the adventure, it is the first time she is read about.

Other Details:
A Lightseeker, very persuasive & she tells everyone she is older than she actually is in order to keep them away from her heart.

Monday 28 December 2009

Name: Lucero Firenze Cartoff
Born: Age Two, Year 1567

Race: Centaur

Lucero is one of five sibling, he has two brothers, Farin & Eran and Two Sisters, Maira & Paruun, he is the leader of the clan and lord of the centaurs, the most wise and gifted of all, the oldest of the five and a friend of Wesirt.

He never took part in the celestial war, until the third and final arrived, Centaurs have exceedingly long life, they can live up to 1000 years, Lucero plays a huge part in the events to come.

As fortold in the prophecy, Centaurs & Humans will fight for the right to live, together as one union.

Other Details:
Centaur Lord, Brilliantly Gifted.

Name: The Knight
Born: Age One, Year 1335
Height: 6'3"
Weight: ?

The Knight is an entity, one of the seven corporals of Ahriman, he is the one who guards the sword in Quest For The Sword, the one Orion II must defeat in order to gain control over the sword itself.

He is a brute, a soldier who never knows when to die, corrupted in his mind but not in his actions, he regains full conciousness of his actions, knowing what he is doing, but legend tells that he once guarded the sword of serenity, and so it shall become his job once more.

Other Details:
Once called Girtha, first of seven to be corrupted by Ahriman's power, guardian of the sword of light.

Name: Wesirt Frusthrain Garandorf Aprahsan
a.k.a Wesirt the wise
Born: Age One, Year: 1457
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 210lbs

Believed to be the last Wizard and sorcerer, Wesirt was gifted elder life by Ahura Mazda (Ormazd), after he helped defeat Ahriman in the first celestial war, he is first seen in Ice Kingdom, helping Leo regain his throne of Atlantis.

More to his history, he is amazingly wise, brilliantly educated and outstandingly gifted with extradordinary powers which allow him to move objects, use the weather and control time itself with the staff of Ormazd.

Helping Orion in the second celestial war proved to be his biggest achievment, besides living beyond many, he is now portrayed in the events to come as the last Wizard, but something is altering him, making him different, Wesirt lives by one code, Honor.

He now helps Orion II fight the darkness in the third and what is fortold in a prophecy to be the final battle between darkness and light, his part in the story is maybe the most important, even more than the heir to the throne, Orion II.

Other Details:
The only one to have survived the celestial war, the last wizard, the only wizard to ever grace three celestial wars.

Name: Dirva
Born: Age One, 1267
Height: 7'4"
Weight: 400lbs

Race: Minotaur

Little is known of Dirva but it is rumoured that he is the leader of the Minotaur clan, first seen in the fourth prologue "A Lost Sword", the Dirva is the most powerful Minotaur to ever live.

The story of the fourth prologue is set during the first celestial war, the year was the first of the ziornian calendar, 500,000 years that age lasted, but Dirva did not, after the events of the fourth prologue, Dirva was not heard of again, many believe him to be dead, others believe him to be waiting in the darkest shadows, some believe he still lives among them, but all know that he shall return some time in the future, but what role he shall play is yet to be discovered.

Name: Tebek Arkan Tyskana
D.O.B: Zior, Age 2, Year: 2223
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 232lbs

Born to Tyran Tyskana & Helena Tyskana, Tebek was born and raised in Clarascophia, the city of light, during the second age of Zior, a decade after the last war, he grew up a nobleman, in the city of Garna, where he took the hearts of the women around the city by dueling rival conquorers.

In the year 2265 he injected himself into the third celestial war between darkness and light, fighting side by side with the prince Orion, wizard Wesirt the wise and fellow others.

The year 2265 otherwise known as 6,000bc was the year in which the final celestial war began, it was fortold in a prophecy that he would become a major part of the events to come.

Other Information:
Tebek is first seen in City Of Light, a prologue to temple king, it follows him from the age of 22 in the year 2245, 20 years before the story begins, he begins a young talented swordsmen who wins the hearts of women by dueling other men, but later becomes an elder, a grown man who's intentions are to save Zior.

Thursday 24 December 2009

Temple King: Christmas 2009 Special

The City Of Light

By Lee Cordner
Temple King: Quest For The Sword
Christmas Prologue
Written: 10th - 23rd December '09

Chapter 1/2

Leo, Now king of Atlantis is empowered with a gift of supreme mortality, but this part of the story is not for Leo, this part is for Tebek, Guardian and Rightful Protector of Clarascophia, The City Of Light, a city once ruled by the god of light, Ormazd, the better half of the sons of Jehova, one was kind, while the other, merciless..

After Wesirt the wise re-thrones Leo, he travels to the city of Garna, where a young, powerful and hero-like Tebek awaits, as he flies through the sky and towards the city, great emeralds and diamonds shine through-out, giving a signal to men travelling on sky-dwellers, Bunna see's the signal and heads down on top of the circular paradise which has not been touched by darkness in over 500,000 years, Wesirt lands on the grounds as the people around surround him and his noble, yet last of his kind, once referred to as "Eagle-Horse" by the people of the realm, Wesirt realises that Bunna is called by another name, Fiershon (King Of Wind), and so he steps away from Bunna as the city's children begin to pet him, as he rolls over as a dog would whilst being petted, He approaches the emporer Noah, an elder, such as he is, he asks 'Tell me my friend, where is the one i seek', Noah turns and grins, with a welcoming hug and a shaken hand, 'My friend, welcome back to Garna' he says as he looks over the wizards shoulder to see the city's children petting Bunna, 'I see you still travel with him', 'I shall never leave him Noah, he is my one and only means of transport and a very good friend', noah smiles 'I guess you seek him, Leo is in place and now you seek the knight', 'No, not the knight, what do you mean, knight, i am here for Tebek', 'Yes, but *Points towards the dueling ring* he is a knight of the women, fighting for the hand of Guineviere'...

Tebek battles a local rival for the hand of Guineviere, swords clashing sending sparks from the blades encrusted in blood, Tebek a strong muscular Ziornian Native (African) smashes his sword until the man shouts 'I quit, i quit', Tebek's face flows with sweat from his pours as he approaches his prize, who throws water over him to cool him from the desert sun which shines down upon them, 'Tebek, that is no way to treat a young lady' Wesirt says, Tebek washes away the water from his face so he can see who is talking, he smiles, runs and jumps over the barrier towards Wesirt, 'I never thought i would see you again', he says with a smile on his face, 'I said i would come back for you my friend, but you do not take my words to heart, you are more concerned of where the next physical attraction shall come from', Wesirt says looking over to the young lady, 'You know i am a man, men like women, if they didn't then there would be a huge catastrophy, the world wouldn't work anymore', 'Yes, but i come with a message for you, It is time Tebek, time for you to return', 'Now, right now, why now ?', Wesirt places his hand on Tebek's shoulder, 'The forces of darkness are heading for release, the bond between the amulet that holds Ahriman in the underworld is breaking beyond recognition and the time has come for you to return to your rightful place, that was the deal for your eternal life', Tebek scratches his head and looks over to the young lady who waves back at him with a message in her eye, 'I knew i should have never made that deal' he says, 'It is not just you, the forces of light have certain places to be, Leo is in Atlantis, You shall return to Clarascophia', 'What about the rest ?', 'The rest are where they need to be', 'And what happens ?', 'I don't know Tebek, but in a few years time will become darkened and we all know what that means, so grab your things and meet me by Bunna, we have a flight to catch'....Tebek with a hesitant look of dissapointment on his face reluctantly replies, 'Fine, i shall, but when this is all over, i shall return to claim my prize', 'As you wish'....

As night falls over Garna and the emeralds and diamons shine to keep the darkness away, Tebek packs a sack of clothes and sharpens his sword, the room lit by candle light lights up the room, Wesirt sits on a bench watching the young children gaze upon the explosive enchantments he has casted, Tebek pulls the cloth back from the window, he looks on as the children sit in awe of the dancing Gryphon's which explode into different movements, colors and shapes, Guineviere walks through the curtain which divides the rooms, 'I am here Tebek, are you ready ?' she says with a seductive voice, Tebek finished putting away his clothes and ties the top of the sack together with string, he places it on the floor and walks over to her, he takes both of her hands and says 'I shall return to you, so we can finish this deed, as for now destiny calls upon me', 'Fine, you don't have to be over-dramatic about it, i shall find Trian, i am sure he would love to spend the night with me', 'Guineviere...wait', 'A simple no would have been enough' she says as she walks out of the room in a hurry, looking for Trian, Tebek shakes his head and says to himself 'Women, they're all nuts'.....

Tebek takes his rucksack and walks out of the shack he occupied, Wesirt sits on a bench giving the children joy of sorcery, Tebek is approached by Emporer Noah, he turns 'He has never changed, not in the many years i have known him' Noah says to Tebek who grins as the children attempt to attack the firework Minotaurs with wooden swords 'I know, he has always been very fond of the youth, but i guess all of that is about to end and war approaches on the horizon of darkness', 'Yes Tebek *Noah gives Tebek a golden key*', 'What is this ?', 'This is something you shall require when the time is right, something i....' he stops, 'You don't need to explain to me Noah, everyone has there part to play, or so i'm told', 'Yes, well, go-on reclaim your city, good luck my knight', Tebek shakes Noah's hand and approaches Wesirt, who looks up at the hesitant Tebek, he bangs his staff against the ground and lets off a huge fireworks which lights up the diamond city 'Now children, i must leave, but be sure when all is cast i shall return to a great celebration and some new fireworks' he says and they cheer and laugh, both men approach Bunna who stands up, Tebek looks at the one-eyed ruler of the sky 'We're gonna ride that to Clarascophia ?' he asks 'Yes, he looks more fierce then he actually is, just make sure you don't pull out any feathers or you will be in deep trouble', 'Okay, whatever you say', Tebek gets onto Bunna and hurls his rucksack over his back, Wesirt points his staff to the sky and Bunna takes off, the city watches on......

In the sky they pass over the fortress which holds Ahriman, Tebek glances but Wesirt stares, 'Why do you stare at the fortress, is there something down there right now ?' Tebek asks 'No, but something is coming, i know that for certain', he points his staff forward and Bunna follows the orders rushing through the thick clouds over Farckona's kingdom and towards Clarascophia, which is encased in a glass dome, protected by the ancient Ahura who cast a spell over the city centuries ago before they were wiped out by the Sarko, the army of Aries, god of war, But they are not extinct, anyone who bears the seal of Ormazd carries there legacy on, Tebek and Wesirt are two, along with the king, emporer and Leo, along with the kings unborn heir.....

They approach the city to see through the dome people in certain trouble, in the forrest they spot a small band of warrior's fighting the sniider, a fierce half breed, but to no avail as the sniider shoots poison webs from it's serpant jaws, a venomous strand of spider-webs which melt anyone in it's way, it's under control of one of the council of Zior, a man named Kiril, fearless and merciless controls the sniider, anyone in possession of the city is in possession of it, Tebek must disconnect Kiril if he is to save his people....

Chapter 2/2

As Bunna flies down through the clouds and lands outside of the city walls Tebek jumps off, 'Now Tebek, you must go in with full force, don't let anyone stop you, take this *Hands Tebek a golden sword*, it shall surely help you with your task', 'And what for you, are you not going to help me ?', 'No, i can only show you the door, you are the one who must walk through it, give me your rucksack, i shall take care of it whilst you do your deed, return here when it's done', 'Yes', 'Tebek, watch your back, trust no-one except yourself', 'I will' Tebek ends the conversation and runs through the light gate, which only allows men of light to pass through it, Tebek haults almost at the begining, to see a field of bloodshed and two different clans, one calling themselves Gerra and the other Mirans, the Gerra in blue and the Mirans in red flee through the clarascophian village and swipe down anyone in there way, a Miran see's Tebek standing in the open and shouts 'No Colors', Tebek looks down at his vest and see's black, he says 'Crap' as he runs towards the back of the village, through a shrub of bushes, the Mirans and Gerra unite to hunt him down, Tebek climbs upon the roof of the citadel, a mighty structure people say was built by Ormazd himself, with his own hands, he looks down and see's in the centre, Kiril sitting on a replica of Farckona's throne with one woman flushing wind with a palm tree leaf and one feeding him fruits from the tree of Clara, the wife or spouse of Ormazd, who named the city after her early death in year 14, aged 27,827 years old, a young elder, the youngest to ever die, the only other was Ormazd and he died aged 463,731 years old, Tebek see's his chance as the brash and overconfident ruler leaves his sword on a table 20 foot away from him.....

Tebek uses the rooftops to gain further assistance in a quick dethronement, a voice in his head, Wesirt's voice says 'You are not required to take his life, just take the emblem from his chest and you shall gain control', Tebek looks down at the shining blade and knows he must not attempt to take Kiril's life, 'As you wish Wesirt' he says in confidence of Wesirt hearing his voice, he runs across the rooftops towards the back of the throne, Kiril spots a shadow moving across the grass and places the cup he drinks wine from on a plata, he pushes his right hand out and the sword comes to him, Telekenesis, he is able to move objects with his mind, Tebek doesn't spot Kiril's movement and foolishly jumps from the rooftop towards him, he is scratched across the arm by Kiril's blade as he swings around to catch Tebek, blood gapes from the wound and flows down his arm like the rivers of Posiedon, He clutches his arm in pain and Kiril steps forward 'It was foolish of you to come here, Lord' he says to Tebek who takes out his sword and circles in a duel way with the forces of Gerra and Mirans surrounding them as an arena would, Tebek looks around to see the men and women standing at point, not moving, Tebek's heart races a mile a minute as he stares into the cold blue eyes of the deadly Kiril, a swordsmaster and last Heresea (Lord Of Telekenesis), The stench of burning buildings around the city woft through the air as the sun beams down through the dome, making the city and pressure feel intensifying, Tebek places his sword at his side..

The duel begins as both men clash swords in the centre of the city, Ormazd looks down and Wesirt watches on through Tebek's eyes, both men clash a few times more but are evenly matched, 'I do not wish to take your life' Tebek says, 'No, but it's the only way you shall regain your city, Peasant', Tebek remembers the duels he has had in the past, rethinking of every strength is a weakness to his enemy, he remembers a passage he read in the book of life "Days come and go, but my legacy lives forever, take the passage from the seeker and strike down those in my path", he stands and Kiril looks into Tebek's eyes, he stumbles back, 'What are you doing to me ?' Kiril asks with a weakened tone in his voice, Kiril falls to his knees as Tebek walks towards him, he says 'Swords cannot harm you, but Inverta can' to Kiril who looks at his left hand to see it crumbling before his eyes, 'NOOOO' he shouts with his last breath and he crumbles to a shatter and flies apart like leaves....

The sun shines down through the glass, the light of the shatter begins to die down and Tebek stands in the centre of the city, the men and women around drop there swords and bow to Tebek, He watches as every man and woman in view bows, he places his sword in the hoist and walks over to the throne, he looks at the glistening amulet which he places around his neck and sends a bolt of white light towards the dome limit, the sniider retreats into the woods and the people cheer for Tebek..

Wesirt and Bunna go through the light gate, Tebek approaches them from the distance and the Gerra and Mirans join eachother in rebuilding the city, 'You did well my friend' Wesirt says 'I killed him, when he was supposed to live', 'Not everyone deserves a second chance, i only let you hear what you needed to, Kiril is unkillable, he will be resurrected by the council, but in a new body and with a new mind, so don't worry', 'Was he, corrupted ?', Wesirt points towards the ashes of Kiril which fly away into the sky, 'Unfortunatly yes, he found something, something i must now destroy', 'Where is it ?', 'It's my problem Tebek *Hands him his rucksack*, you belong here, with these people, the countdown has begun, 22 years from this day, take these years as a gift, be strong my young friend, lead these people the way they want to be lead', 'Okay, but Wesirt wait', 'Yes Tebek', 'Where are the Ziornian council based, i never did find out', 'Ah, only a few people know, Ahriman doesn't, You do not, I do, only three men know where the council lies, that is how it must stay', 'You don't trust me ?', 'I trust you, but this is not for me to tell you', 'Who knows, other than you ?', 'The King and Koran, emporer of Everstone', 'Will i ever know ?', 'One day, when you are chosen, now, you have a city to rebuild, continue with your work, until the queen arrives, then you know what you must do', 'Thank you, i cannot describe how thankful i am, do you think i could return to Garna to retrieve my lady ?', 'No, you must not leave this city, there are plenty of others for you to do what you do with', Tebek laughs and shakes Wesirt's hand 'Until we meet again' he says to the wizard, who gets onto Bunna and flies off into the sky...

Tebek walks to the podium in the centre of the city, 'My people, blood has been shed on this land, the blood of our brothers, let this be the last of our own, we now fight side by side, together, one unit, one nation, we are Clarascophia, we are the children of Ormazd and we will never forget where we come from' he says with a high pitched voice which is met by a roar across the city as Bunna flies across the dome of Clarascophia, the burning sun sets over the Afriash Sea and Bunna flies towards the sunset with Wesirt on his back......

The End.

Next Time In Temple King Prologue's: Part III: Everstone's Fallen January 27th 2010.

Based On the story created by Lee Cordner.
Copyright 2009.

Monday 21 December 2009

My Story (The Making Of)

The best thing about a story is that you have the power of the pen, or in this case the keyboard.

I started thinking of this story in 2003, after i saw Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King, a movie which opened my eyes to the epic fantasy world, i like to think that i have drawn inspiration from the biggest movies, games and books that were released over the last decade, a list follows.

Movies: Chronicles Of Narnia, Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter
Games: Prince Of Persia, Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider
Books: The Chronicles Of Prydaim, Lord Of The Rings

You get the idea.

Now, Temple King originally started out as a school project, to write a short story of whatever you wanted to, so i wrote Ice Kingdom, which has not changed in 6 years.

Temple King was originally titled "A Kings Path" which kinda sounds like it was written by a 10 year old, so on a trip in egypt i saw the pyramids, so i called it pyramid king, then i searched google back in 2007 and found temple's, so i thought to myself, Temple King, sounds great.

It originally was going to be 4 books long, but instead of jumping forward i thought i would create 7 books to the story, spread over four numbers, list follows.

Temple King: Quest For The Sword
Temple King II: Tomb Of The Dread
Temple King II: Fire Skull Of Light
Temple King III: Clash Of The Kings
Temple King III: Trident Of Atlantis
Temple King IV: Revelation Of The Past
Temple King IV: Dagger To The Throne

You get the idea that 2 will be split into 2 parts, 3 into 2 parts and 4 into 2 parts, the 1st stands alone.

So after thinking of a main name i started writing, the first draft ended up being 48 chapters long, then i thought to myself that doing an epic story in one book, isn't enough to warrant a medal of epicness, so i decided to spread it out.

Temple King originally slated for 1 book has turned into 7.

After the process of finding the right subtitles (Quest for the sword etc.) i started working with some new ideas for character names, Orion was originally called Fastras, Maralda was Penelope and Milo was Edwin, Wesirt and Tebek are the only one's to keep there original names.

So after half the cast was dealt with i decided to go with the bad guys, the original bad guy was Draagon, but now it's Ahriman, Draagon is still a part of the book, but he is the second in command of bad guys.

This book had to be a good one, otherwise you guys or girls WON'T buy the next installments, now i know it is written differently but i needed to give it a feel of brilliance, something that has not been done before, so instead of the traditional writing, i decided to go with a film script, now hold up, it's not gonna be a bad adaptation or anything, like some films, this is only going to be a book, maybe in the future we might be able to make a movie out of it, but for the time being, it's a book with a movie feel.

Temple King has fights, romance, horror, adventure, monsters, myth, legends, gods, wizards, magic, death, action, drama and a little thrill.

Expect it on store shelves July 2010, after it was delayed from the original release of march, due to some error's with the covers, it is available in paper and hardback at the retail sale price of £4.99 Paperback
£6.99 Hardback

And a limited Collector's edition, of which only 2,000 copies were made which shall cost

I hope you enjoy the book and i hope to see you all at some signings in the new year.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Temple King: Quest For The Sword - Prologue

Zior, Farckonian Burial Ground, fortress 16000BC.
'No Victory Without Sacrifice'
Belazar Juda Ba'ir stands on a pedestal in the Centre of the Graveyard fortress as he looks at the ahurian prisoners he bought at the market, Outside the fortress walls a small band of warriors try to penetrate the fortress, the burial ground of the ahura's deadliest enemy, Ahriman, god of darkness.

with Belazar at the healm and his followers whipping the slaves until there backs turned red and eyes bloodshot with pain, it seems as though hope is lost, the deafining noise of digging, endless whipping and cries of pain heard outside the walls by the leader of the resistance Orion, 'Men, those are the screams of helpless men, women and children, Belazar will not quit until he reaches the tomb, we need to find a way in', he turns around to the 100 or so warriors as they gasp for breath and carry there dead, 'You have led us into a death trap, he has archers on the walls, we cannot enter' says an angry man who is carrying his brother to the pit, 'Seties, i am so sorry' says Orion, 'sir look out' shouts seties, Orion turns around to dodge an arrow launched at him by the head archer, he turns back to face the wall and stares at the man who almost killed him, 'Belazar Juda Ba'ir' Orion shouts, 'Who says my name', 'Belazar Juda Ba'ir' Orion shouts again, Belazar marches towards the wall as he takes a Bow from one of his archers, 'Who are you' says Belazar, 'My name is Orion, son of the man and woman you killed in your act of rage, i have been tailing you for 5 years, now i have you in my sight', 'so you look for redemption, well we have the higher ground young one' laughs belazar, 'so you have the higher ground, but we have the one man you cannot halt', Orion makes a passage for a man cloaked in a white robe who carries a staff, Belazar knows who the man is and turns back to his men, 'Men, take down that wizard'..........

The arrows haul toward The man who thwarts the efforts and sends a shockwave up the fortress wall cracking the stone that held it, with the archers falling Belazar falls back to the dig site, 'Master, we have found the Tomb' shouts a worried soldier, Belazar runs toward the man and they enter the tomb, Orion leads his men to free the imprisoned Ahura fighting the men Belazar left behind as the thousands become hundreds and the hundreds become nothing.

'Thank you, Wesirt, you have proved to be a great help' says Orion, 'It is not about spilling Blood young one, it is about doing what is right instead of easy', Orion glances at his men who are yet to bring him Belazar, 'Men, where is he' says Orion, He turns back to Wesirt, 'where is he ?', With wesirt glancing at the tomb knowing what lies inside Orion also turns to the tomb, 'He's down there.......isn't he' says Orion, 'Yes, but what lies down there i cannot face with you', Orion frowns as he can't help but wonder why, suddenly a primal scream hits the ears of Orion and Wesirt, 'What the he.......', a flash of blue light blinds there eyes for a moment, as Orion hears more screams from the children and women of the ahurian prisoners they has freed, Orion comes to and is met by a force of dark magic cast by Draagon, Ahriman's second in command, with Wesirt Trapped by another spell cast by Draagon a few moments before, he is unable to help Orion, 'THE DARKNESS HAS RISEN, THE LIGHT DIES' says an ancient voice.........

The flash of light is seen around the ancient kingdom as far as Atlantis, the city of light Clarascophia, Garna city and the healm of Farckona where the king and queen watch there fate unfold before there own eyes, The king prepares his men, thousands upon thousands gather there weapons and armor and march into the open land joined by the remaining Ahura, Garnian people who wield pieces of wood, the Atlantian army lead by Posiedon, with the only ones not joining the battle being Clarascophia, who are sealed inside a light dome, protected from the darkness, 'It looks as though Clarascophia won't be joining the battle' says Firenze, 'No it doesn't' says posiedon, The king rides the defensive line on his horse as he does he see's scared men barely old enough to carry a weapon, 'You all know what awaits us, Clarascophia has abandoned us, we stand and fight to the end, it is up to us to stop Ahriman's army wiping through this land, it's up to us to save this civilisation from disaster, this is what we we're born for, we are the light, those of you who join our force we thank you, now onward to VICTORY....' The King shouts at the end of his sentence which is met by a primal roar from the soldiers of light........

With Wesirt Paused in time by the Frenzio spell cast by Draagon and Orion held by The Sikaro (army of the underworld) and The ancient deadly beasts Minotaurs ravaging what's left of the People, Draagon bows along with the followers of Ahriman, with Orion looking on into the tomb itself as a giant Winged Creature rises from the dark tomb, Draagon says 'My Lord, welcome...home', Orion slowly starts to look up from the feet to the head of the strange figure, as he reaches the top he glances toward Wesirt who hasn't moved a muscle since Draagon cast that spell, he then returns to his stance and is afraid to look into the eyes of the beast, The Sikaro pull Orion to his feet and a voice whispers into Orion's head, 'Look At Me, My Prince', Orion opens his eyes as he glances for a second into the cold red eyes of the beast, 'Your Ahriman, Aren't you' says Orion, 'You are observant Prince, now Draagon, give me my sword so i may end this' says Ahriman, 'Why did you call me Prince ?', 'Because, you wouldn't be alive if you were not', as Ahriman pulls his sword from Draagon's hands Orion says 'I am not the Prince, my family lived in the marsh lands, we farmed, i am here for Belazar, not you', Ahriman looks back at Draagon with a glance back he says 'Then why is the wizard with you', Orion looks at Wesirt who is still frozen in time then looks back at Ahriman, 'He saved my life in the forrest, nothing more', Ahriman begins to get angry and turns back to Draagon, 'If he is not the Prince, then why is he here ?' says Ahriman, as Ahriman finishes his sentence Belazar returns from the tomb he looks at the minotaurs who are ravaging the people's dead bodies, he looks to his left, 'My Lord, you have returned', Ahriman turns to face Belazar, 'Who are you ?', 'My Name is Belazar Juda Ba'ir, i am your servant', Orion struggling to release himself from the clutches of the sikaro says, 'You are not his servant, you aim to kill him to gain his power to take this world', Ahriman turns back to Draagon and then stares back at Orion, 'Is this the man that you aim to kill' says Ahriman to Orion, 'Yes, he killed my parents', Orion still struggling as Ahriman tells his men to release him, 'Then i give you this sword to kill this man', Belazar quickly turns his head to Ahriman, 'But i released you', 'Yes, You did', Ahriman stops Orion before he kills Belazar, 'A Duel, i think you should battle, i gather you know how to use a sword Belazar', Ahriman throws a sword to Belazar and the Duel Begins.........

as the duel between Orion and Belazar rages on Ahriman calls the rest of the sikaro from there resting place, he sends them into the battle grounds to meet the light warriors.........Ahriman turns back around to find Belazar swordless and orion with his sword to Belazar's throat, 'Bravo.....Bravo, Now finish him and i give you ultimate power', Orion with his sword to his enemies throat glances back at the frozen Wesirt, he notices movement and knows the signal Wesirt Gives him, 'Not Today Ahriman', Orion pulls his sword away from the throat which has a small pinhole of blood dripping from it and gets to Wesirt, Wesirt's wand then sparks, 'Stop Them, STOP THEM' Ahriman Shouts, but to no avail as the yellow light flashes and burns like the sun, blocking the sight of Ahriman and his soldiers, the light fades and Ahriman looks to where they were standing, but Wesirt and Orion are nowhere to be found, 'NOOOOOOOOOO', Ahriman grabs Draagon, 'Find Them, NOW', Draagon grabs his sword and takes a band of men to find Wesirt and Orion, Ahriman Turns back as he spots Belazar Trying to escape, 'YOU!', Belazar is forced into the air by Ahriman's hand firmly around his throat, choking the life from Belazar Ahriman says 'Tell me where they are and i will spare your life', with Belazar struggling for air he says 'Cambrio..........The Forrest', Ahriman releases Belazar who is then killed and mauled by the minotaurs, 'Cambrio', Ahriman has a flashback to the celestial war 1000 years ago when he was imprisoned, where in the vision he see's his brother Ormazd, the god of light in Cambrio, where Ormazd died and Ahriman lost his way, the vision ends with Ahriman standing on the broken bones of 10,000 men,women and children he had slaughtered, he shakes his head as he feels a slight second of remorse for the ones he killed and then sends Draagon a Message using his mind control ability, 'Men, We march to Cambrio' says Draagon............Ahriman sits back on the large stone chair and watches the unfolding battle through his mind ..........

At the same time Wesirt and Orion return to sight in Cambrio, 'what did he mean by ultimate power ?' says Orion to Wesirt, 'The Ultimate power is becoming one of his few, they are deadly forces who hold unimaginable power', 'so more then Ahriman', 'No Orion, Ahriman tricked them all into the power, the ultimate power is mindwipe, you will forever be his follower but you will not have your own mind', Orion Thinks to himself, 'Hold on Wesirt, has there ever been anyone to defy the power when they had it', 'There was one, but Ahriman made the power stronger and regained control over him', 'who was he ?', 'His name was fireheart, a great warrior who lost his family, he gave his soul to Ahriman in return for there resurrection, but Ahriman....', 'Let me guess, he took the soul and never returned the family' says Orion, 'You are wise my young friend' says wesirt, 'well when your parents want you to either learn, farm or read the ancient text what else was i going to do', Orion tells Wesirt with anger in his voice for not ending Belazar's life when he had the chance, as they move deepers into the forrest they are met by survivor's, 30 maybe 40 Ahurian survivors from the fortress, Orion and Wesirt look around as the people search for sanction and one approaches the wizard himself, 'Wesirt, my people and i need sanctuary' says the man as he turns to glance at Orion, 'you, you have to stop him', Orion looks around as the people begin to stare at him, he turns back and talks to wesirt, 'Why are they all looking at me', 'Because you were there when it began, it seems as though....but it.....', 'what are you stuttering at wesirt', 'I need to return to the burrow, if this true...', 'Wesirt, i do not like people hiding things from me, why won't you tell me now', 'because if the prophecy is true and you were there when he rose, then you......your the chosen one', Orion looks stunned as he is told of the prophecy by wesirt as they all gather around the burrow protected by wesirt's light spell, Wesirt reveals all about Ahriman, everything Orion never wanted to hear, Orion stands up as he looks at the people who cower at the fear of losing there lives to Ahriman.........

'Then How do i kill him Wesirt, tell me how' says Orion, 'You cannot kill Ahriman, only trap him, i fear that you are not the last Ahriman shall face', Orion enters the burrow as the people look on in disbelief as to what they have just heard from the great wizard, a farm boy who has revenge in his heart is the one to stop Ahriman's reign of Terror........

As the battle ensues and blood at boiling point the forces of light are met at the golden gateway between the Fortress and land of the gods, The King pulls his horse back and tells the men to hault, with the Sikaro and Minotaurs seething and patiently waiting for the battle to begin the king gives his men one final command, 'Fight well, Die Honourably', it is met by a huge roar as they charge towards the darkness, the clash of swords is heard by the queen who, with a tear in her eye knows she may not ever see her king again and that this battle may be the last he shall ever clashing with swords and all of a sudden Draagon appears from nowhere and begins to tackle the king's army with his blade covered in blood he approaches the king, but before reaching he is met by Posiedon who with his trident stops Draagon for a brief moment before the Rikta head of the minotaur clan unleashes his fury and breaks the energy of the trident, forcing it into the air and into the hands of Draagon who uses the trident to pierce through The King's solid gold armor and through his heart, The king's men look toward there fallen leader but continue to battle the forces of darkness, with every man fighting for his own life and for his own home the darkness grows as the bodies of the fallen light soldiers rise into the living dead corpses controlled by Ahriman, with the light almost defeated the king is transported back to the burial ground fortress by Draagon, 'My Loyal friend, you have brought me a gift' says Ahriman, with the king bloodied and clinging onto his breath Ahriman says the final words the king shall ever hear 'With the ending of the light, My world shall rise', Ahriman takes his sword and plunges it into the heart of the king, moments after his remaining soldiers are transported to the burial ground fortress who watch there king fall....for the last time, 'And Now it begins, my world rises', But the remaininf soldiers rise up 50 - 60 men grab anything they can find and attack Draagon and Ahriman's army, guarding the fortress with dead bodies and they surround Ahriman........

Wesirt gives Orion the book of Ormazd, where he reads a code which could trap Ahriman, after the sentence is read a Relic is given to Orion from the book itself, 'What is this Wesirt' says Orion, 'This is the key to the underworld, force Ahriman's body into this, he shall be trapped in the underworld with no way out', 'but is he got out this time, then he will escape again', 'No you are wrong, this amulet, this key shall split his soul into four pieces, the last time The spirit of Ormazd stopped him and trapped him, but he regained his entire soul, this time his soul will be split', 'But How ?', 'in ancient time Ahriman had four of the most powerful items in his possession, he got so attached to them that they became a part of him, one was a legendary sword called the serenity sword, another was a skull engulfed in fire, Posiedon's Trident and a mythical and dangerous Dagger, 3 items shall be placed in safe locations, 1 item being the Dagger has not been seen in over 300,000 thousand years, legend tells it lies in the Farckonian Temple, where the chosen one, being your descendant must earn it's trust', 'So i trap him and when he returns.....he will be weaker and my descendant will have a chance', 'Yes, it is the legend of this age, it must happen', 'then i must find Ahriman', Orion walks out of the burrow with the amulet and key to the underworld in his hand, the survivors of the attack on the fortress look and stare as they watch there king, there warrior and Wesirt Use the magic to return to the healm.........

Moments after the death of the king and the surrounding of Ahriman the force of Yellow light returns to the Fortress, with the sun like light burning the eyes of Ahriman's followers they are blinded, the light ends once more and Orion stands firmly at the base, 'YOU!', Ahriman goes to attack Orion but weakens at the sight of the Amulet, Ahriman lets out a yell as he cannot help but stare into the amulet, losing power he calls Draagon who is awakening, but the Light warriors force him back down, his army still trying to penetrate the fortress walls but unable to enter, As Ahriman weakens Orion tells him, 'Your Time Is Over', Ahriman replies as he grows weaker and weaker, 'I Will shall all bow to me', With Ahriman's soul crumbling and with his body shaking Ahriman hears his last words, 'Not Today...Ahriman', Orion forces Ahriman into the Amulet and like a sandstorm the Sikaro are sent into the underworld along with Draagon, the Minotaur's flee the land and hide in the forrest, Wesirt Forces his staff into the ground and a ray of light wipes the darkness from the atmosphere giving the land light once more................

The King's army look as one of them says 'My King', The all kneel in front of Orion as Wesirt tells him, 'You are now King of Farckona', Orion looks shocked and tells the men to stand up and return to there families, Wesirt Takes Orion to Farckona where he is crowned king and saviour of the land........The Former Queen says 'Orion...King of Farckona, Protector of the land, we honour you with gifts, a Temple where you shall reign and the throne of a thousand lights, Thank You'.....Orion stands up to be met with Cheers and gifts from his people, fruit baskets and wine from the farm lands and the one he thought he lost, Jaren finds him........

The Prologue's Epilogue
The Second Celestial War Lasted 274 Days, After Orion was teleported to the forrest over 253 days had passed, timetravel wasted days, but 21 days after escaping Orion learned a very important truth about Ahriman and was able to become the chosen one........this being the shortest celestial war in time it was sure to be a tale told over a thousand sky's, it was a legend and tale of Redemption turned heroism, a man who lost his family but gained a new one....

Over the course of the next 50 years of Orion's reign as King, the remaining Minotaurs and Dark Worshipers were found, killed and enslaved for betraying what is right, Orion and Jaren had a son his name was Dorel, he led the Farckonian land into a new era, a new age.

as for the soul of Ahriman, it was entrusted to Wesirt to find a safe place for the 3 items, all in different places, with the sword and skull already in place Wesirt found Posiedon's Trident and repaired it, he returned it to Atlantis where the guardian Firenze would watch over it for all eternity, Firenze is an elder-god with a long lifespan, The Dagger, still not seen was safe in the Farckonian Temple, where not even Orion laid his eyes on it, The sword and skull remained in there original locations.

Since then Wesirt has not been seen, many say he died, many say he left, few think he stayed but everyone remembers him.

Almost 10,000 years have passed since that day, over 130 generations have passed in Orion's Family Tree and at the healm of Farckona and Leader of the land was King Aristo and by his side, Queen Rimanu and there son, his name is..........Orion II........

The Temple King: Quest For the Sword